
zhiyiYo2024-03-21 23:31:00

Design Principles

The ConfigItem class represents a configuration item, and the configuration class QConfig is used for reading and writing the values of configuration items. When the value of a ConfigItem changes, a valueChanged(value: object) signal is sent, and the QConfig class will also automatically synchronize the configuration values to the json configuration file.

The configuration file may be tampered with by the user, leading to illegal values for configuration items. Therefore, QFluentWidgets uses the ConfigValidator class and its subclasses to validate and correct the values of configuration items.

Json files only support strings, boolean values, lists, and dictionaries. For enum classes or QColor, their values cannot be written directly into json files. To solve this problem, QFluentWidgets provides the ConfigSerializer class and its subclasses for serializing and deserializing configuration items. For example, the ColorSerializer can be used to serialize configuration items whose value type is QColor.

The properties of ConfigItem are shown in the table below, and the constructors of each subclass can be found in the API documentationopen in new window:

PropertyData TypeDescription
groupstrThe group to which the configuration item belongs
namestrThe name of the configuration item
defaultAnyThe default value of the configuration item
validatorConfigValidatorThe configuration validator
serializerConfigSerializerThe configuration serializer
restartboolWhether to restart the application after updating the configuration


You can create and use a custom configuration class MyConfig by following these steps:

  1. Inherit from QConfig
  2. Add instances of ConfigItem to the class properties of MyConfig
  3. Create a globally unique MyConfig singleton instance cfg
  4. Call qconfig.load("/path/to/config.json", cfg) to load the configuration file
  5. Use cfg.get( to read configuration values, cfg.set(, value) to write configuration values

Below is a simple example:

from enum import Enum

from qfluentwidgets import *

class MvQuality(Enum):
    """ MV quality enumeration class """

    FULL_HD = "Full HD"
    HD = "HD"
    SD = "SD"
    LD = "LD"

    def values():
        return [q.value for q in MvQuality]

class MyConfig(QConfig):
    """ Application's Config """

    # main window
    enableAcrylic = ConfigItem("MainWindow", "EnableAcrylic", False, BoolValidator())
    playBarColor = ColorConfigItem("MainWindow", "PlayBarColor", "#225C7F")
    themeMode = OptionsConfigItem("MainWindow", "ThemeMode", "Light", OptionsValidator(["Light", "Dark", "Auto"]), restart=True)
    recentPlaysNumber = RangeConfigItem("MainWindow", "RecentPlayNumbers", 300, RangeValidator(10, 300))

    # online
    onlineMvQuality = OptionsConfigItem("Online", "MvQuality", MvQuality.FULL_HD, OptionsValidator(MvQuality), EnumSerializer(MvQuality))

# Create a config instance and initialize it using the configuration file
cfg = MyConfig()
qconfig.load('config/config.json', cfg)
Last Updated 11/2/2024, 3:31:11 AM